Those who oppose the truth of God the Mother of the Church of God insist that God the Mother does not exist because the angels have no gender, quoting Mt 22:30. Unlike their insistence, the Bible does not even mention about the angels’ gender.

Mt 22:30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
the angels neither marry nor be given in marriage, but there is no mention about their gender. This is Jesus’ answer to the Sadducees’ question, “When a woman dies, who was married to seven brothers, whose wife will she be of the seven at the resurrection?” Though each of us has our physical parents and children on this earth, when we return to heaven, our parents are only God the Father and God the Mother and we are all God’s children (Mt 23:9). Therefore, it is naturally unnecessary to get married there. Their insistence is like this: Since the children under the same parents do not marry each other, they have no gender.
Through the words, “People [angels] will neither marry nor be given in marriage,” we cannot confirm if the angels have gender or not since there is no mention about their gender. It is not important for our salvation whether angels have gender or not. What is important is the fact that there are Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who give us the water of life. The objectors try to keep us from realizing the most important matter for our salvation by making us lose our focus. The Bible testifies about Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother whom we must realize as our Saviors for our salvation. If anyone denies the Savior whom the Bible testifies about, from whom can he or she receive salvation?
Mt 6:9 “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven . . .’ ”
Gal 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.
That's very impressive.
답글삭제Angel's gender is not related to our salvation.