World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) follows the truth of the Early Church.
“Elohim,” the plural noun of God, testifies about the existence of God the Father and God the Mother. However, those who oppose the truth say, “Since Elohim is a plural masculine noun, there might be male Gods, but the insistence that there exists God the Mother is nonsense.”
Those people insist that God is a singular masculine noun, so Gods are male Gods. In their point of view, since angel [Malak] is a masculine noun, angels must be all male, and since spirit [R?ah] is a feminine noun, souls must be all female.

If then, does it mean that only women have soul and men have no soul? Or are men’s souls all female? But it is written that our souls are like angels in heaven when we are resurrected. If female souls are resurrected and become angels, do they change their gender into male?
One more interesting fact is that God is written as “El” or “Eloah” which is a masculine noun, but when it comes to the spirit of God, it is written as “R?ah” which is a feminine noun. How can they explain this?
The insistence of the objectors comes from their ignorance. They insist that linguistic gender classification always shows actual gender. In Korean language, there is not gender classification for nouns, but in Hebrews, German, Spanish, etc. there is gender classification, which affects adjectives and verbs. Visible living things such as king and queen, son and daughter, male horse and female horse show definite gender?male and female. However, when it comes to inanimate things such as mountain, earth, book, etc. which has no gender, we also tell their gender. Inanimate things do not have gender. But the reason why we tell their gender is just to classify their gender linguistically, not to express their real gender. Likewise, gender classification of nouns for invisible spiritual things is nothing but linguistic gender classification. How can we tell the gender of invisible things? Therefore, gender classification of invisible things does not express their real gender just like linguistic gender classification about inanimate things.
“God” in Hebrews is a masculine noun, and “soul” is a feminine noun, and “angel” is a masculine noun. Gender classification of nouns for invisible things is nothing but a linguistic gender classification, not an actual gender classification. Therefore, those who insist that since “God” is a masculine noun, “Elohim” the plural form of masculine noun shows that there might be male Gods but there cannot be God the Mother betrays their ignorance, without knowing that linguistic gender classification does not necessarily show its real gender.
Even Someone try to hide a existence of God the Mother, God reveal God the Mother through the bible. like as mud can't cover the light of a pearl.
답글삭제God has two images, male and female.So, we must believe in Elohim God-God the Father and God the Mother!
답글삭제slander's insists are always non biblical.