2012년 4월 24일 화요일


The NCPCOG distorts the teachings of Father Ahnsahnghong and denies Heavenly Mother(Identity of NCPCOG). In the hope that no one will be misled by this organization, let us reveal their identity.

NCPCOG’s false insistence

They lie as follows: Through the book “The New Jerusalem and the Bride: Explanation on Women’s Veil” published in October 1983, Father Ahnsahnghong Himself clarified that there is no Heavenly Mother. So, Heavenly Mother does not exist and the bride refers to the saints.

1. They deceive people by using only fragmentary contents

To deceive people who do not know the history of our Church of God, they omit explanation about the whole situation by telling one part of it and distorting the true meaning of the teachings of Father Ahnsahnghong. Let us find out how absurd and obstinate their insistence is with the following examples.

e.g. 1) Jesus once told His disciples not to tell anyone that He was the Christ (Mt 16:20). Then, should we never let the world know that Jesus is the Christ? Is it okay to teach people that we must not testify that Jesus is Christ because He did not want the world to know that He is the Christ, by quoting only those words of Jesus? No way! After saying that, Jesus asked His disciples to be His witnesses in Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Ac 1:8).

e.g. 2) Jesus once said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan!” (Mt 16:23). Then, is that okay to say that we should never trust Peter’s words because Jesus called him Satan, by quoting those words of Jesus? Did Jesus mean it by saying that? No way! After saying that, Jesus told Peter to take care of His sheep (Jn 21: 15-17). Now they only take out a part of Father’s words which were given in a special situation, and make their insistence which totally ignores all the teaching that Father gave to us after that.

2. The purpose of Father Ahnsahnghong who published the book, “The New Jerusalem and the Bride: Explanation on Women’s Veil”

It is true that Father published the book. However, in order to understand the meaning of the book correctly, we need to know about the situation of that time and the reason why Father published the book. Because they ignore these things and just insist on the text of the book, their insistence is unreasonable like those in the aforementioned examples.

In the year 1983, it was before Father made known to us the truth of Heavenly Mother. However, a woman named Eom △△ stole a peek into Father’s book and impersonated the bride, Heavenly Mother. She even tried to change the truth, insisting that women did not need to cover their heads with veils; she stirred up trouble in the Church.

So, Father wrote the book and distributed its copies to the Church members in order to judge Eom △△ and her followers, so that the members would not be deceived by falsehood. And Father also gave sermons in the same context with the book. (Now they make bad use of the sermon tapes of that time).

Do you know what Father did after He settled the matter of Eom △△? He collected all the copies of the book.
This shows that Father did not want us to read the book anymore.
However, they stubbornly insist on the text of the book and ignore Father’s will. It is no different from sticking to the words of Jesus when He called Peter Satan and insisting that Peter is Satan.

When an enemy comes, people in the castle close their fortress gate completely and then open it again after defeating the enemy. Father did the same thing at that time. He thoroughly closed the door to the truth about Heavenly Mother in 1983 so that He could drive away the hindrance of the devil. After that, in the year 1984 He opened the door to the truth of Heavenly Mother again and testified about Her to us.

3. About the false insistence that Father Ahnsahnghong said that there was no Heavenly Mother

Some people say that Father did not say that Heavenly Mother had not yet appeared but that there was no Heavenly Mother, so they cannot believe in Heavenly Mother.

Their thoughts are very wrong.
In the age of the Father, God said, “There is no Savior except Jehovah” (Isa 43:11). The words, “But there will appear the Savior with another name later,” were not attached as the prior condition. Then, should we think that there will not be another Savior other than Jehovah? If we think like this, we cannot believe in Jesus but reject Him. How wrong is this kind of thinking!

Therefore, even though Father said that there was no Heavenly Mother in that special situation, we must believe the testimony about Heavenly Mother, which He left later through the Bible and His deeds.

4. Testimonies about Heavenly Mother, which Father Ahnsahnghong Himself left

From the beginning, Father recorded that Heavenly Mother would appear after Him in the book “Unsealing the Seven Thunders” (published in 1955); and in the last, He also recorded that the Bride would lead the saints together with Father the Holy Spirit in the book “The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life” (published in 1980). (Refer to the supplementary explanation 2.)

However, the time before 1984 was not the time for Heavenly Mother to appear, so Father waited.
The Bible says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven” (Ecc 3:1), and “In its time I will do this swiftly” (Isa 60:22). When Father recorded about one person who would appear after Him, He said, “When the time comes, she will appear,” in the preface of the book “Unsealing the Seven Thunders.”

However, before the appointed time came, Eom △△ stole a peek into Father’s book and dared to pass herself off as Heavenly Mother. If Father Ahnsahnghong had not written about Heavenly Mother, no trouble would have been caused by Eom △△ at all.
In other words, the fact that there was a woman like Eom △△ proves that Father Ahnsahnghong had already written about Heavenly Mother.

Some people rebuke our Church simply because we use the same verses about Heavenly Mother as those that Eom △△ used, but they are truly foolish.
Why do you think the verses are the same? It is because Eom △△ stole a peek into Father’s words.

The reason Father Ahnsahnghong said that there was no Heavenly Mother in 1983 was because He wanted to keep His children from being deceived by the fake bride, Eom △△, and because it was not the time to reveal the true bride.
However, as the appointed time came, Father clearly testified about Heavenly Mother.

5. The Passover of the year 1984, when Father made known to us about Heavenly Mother

The Passover of the year 1984, one year before Father Ahnsahnghong ascended to heaven, was very special.
For a long time, Father had celebrated the Passover in Busan. In 1984, however, He said that He would keep the Passover in Seoul where Mother was residing.
He told His disciples to rent a wedding hall to hold the Passover assembly and to light two candles, (a blue one and a red one, which are used in a wedding ceremony in Korea.)

Why do you think Father did so?
It was because He wanted to let us know our Mother, the bride of the heavenly wedding banquet.

To make it clear that the bride of the Holy Spirit [Second Coming Christ] is our Heavenly Mother, Father Ahnsahnghong had a picture taken with Heavenly Mother on May 18, 1984, wearing wedding garments for bride and bridegroom, and left the picture to us as evidence. At the special general assembly held in January 1985, Father said that the place where Heavenly Mother as residing would be the Head Office from then on. He also said that everything would go well if we listen to Mother.

Like this, Father Himself testified about Heavenly Mother in various ways. Nevertheless, the NCPCOG denies and rejects all the evidence that Heavenly Father left, while claiming to believe in Father Ahnsahnghong. How can they say that they believe in Father Ahnsahnghong? Since they keep talking about Father’s teaching while denying His testimonies, it is truly detestable.

6. The reason the NCPCOG stands against God

Why does the NCPCOG hinder the truth and stand against God?
There are various reasons, but one of them is because they were not with Father Ahnsahnghong to the end.

Let us think of the time of Jesus’ first coming. Do you think those who neither were with Jesus nor joined the Passover could believe that Passover bread and wine was Jesus’ flesh and blood and preach that fact to the world? No way! Only the disciples, who followed Jesus and were with Him to the end, were able to learn the secret of eternal life.

It is the same at His second coming. Father Ahnsahnghong revealed the glory of Heavenly Mother while keeping His last Passover in 1984, and taught the truth about Heavenly Mother to His disciples from then on. He also left much evidence such as photos so that no one could deny it. (Refer to the supplementary explanation 3).

However, what about those who were not with Father Ahnsahnghong to the end? They neither listened nor trusted Father’s testimony about Mother, which Father gave us from the time of His last Passover at the wedding hall until He left this world. That’s why they absurdly insist that, distorting Father’s true will and stubbornly uttering the book which Father withdrew already.

 <Supplementary Explanation >

1. The purpose of Father Ahnsahnghong who published the book, “The New Jerusalem and the Bride: Explanation on Women’s Veil”

Just by reading the preface, we can understand the situation of that time and why Father published the book.- From the preface of the book “The New Jerusalem and the Bride: Explanation on Women’s Veil” -This book is to clarify the mistakes of the books that Eom △△ published, and to testify briefly about the unchangeable truth of the Church of God . . . Women like Eom △△ appeared and caused big problems with their impertinent thoughts. How can they expect to be forgiven? . . . From now on, let us find the mistakes one by one in the books that Eom △△ wrote.

From the preface of the book, Father mentioned the name of a person, Eom Soo-in. Just by seeing this, we can easily understand that the book was written only to settle the problem of that time.

2. The testimonies about Heavenly Mother, which Father Ahnsahnghong left

It is written in the preface of the book “Unsealing the Seven Thunders” (1955), “. . . the world was in the dark of night. He shone His light throughout the four corners of the world, but there was no one to receive the light, so finally it was shone on me. And there is one more person. She is still a child. She is to appear after me. When the time comes, she will appear.”

Through this, Father let us know about Himself and Heavenly Mother—two persons who received the light when the whole world was in the dark. Because Heavenly Mother was a child in the year 1955, Father expressed Her as “a child” and also prophesied that She would appear after Him when the time came. True to His words, Father let us know about Heavenly Mother around the time He left this world.

Just as Eve appeared after Adam fell into a deep sleep, Father who came as the last Adam let the glory of Heavenly Mother be revealed after He left this world.

And in chapter 24 of the book “The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life” (1980), it is written as follows: “The last Adam and Eve represent the Spirit and the Bride. On the last day, the Spirit and the Bride will appear and lead all the animals [the Gentiles].”
Father testified that the Holy Spirit [Second Coming Christ] and the Bride will appear in the last days as the reality of Adam and Eve and lead all animals [Gentiles]. Here, what are the saints represented as? They are represented as “all animals,” not Eve [Bride]. The Bible says that Eve rules over all animals together with Adam (Ge 1:26-28).

Through these words, Father testified about Heavenly Mother, the Savior who would lead the saints after Him.

3. The Meaning of a “child” in the preface of the book “Unsealing the Seven Thunders”

To deny Heavenly Mother by any means, they even insist that the “child” in the preface of the book “Unsealing the Seven Thunders” also refers to the church that was like a child at that time. However, that is not what it means at all.

First, Father said, “There is one more person. She is to appear after me.”
How many people are there? Father talked about just one person. If He talked about church, He should not have talked about one person but many.

Second, was there a church established by Father Ahnsahnghong at that time, or not? No, there was not. The book, “Unsealing the Seven Thunders,” was published in 1955. At that time, our Church did not even exist and Father preached while belonging to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Father withdrew from the SDA Church in 1962 and formally proclaimed the establishment of the Church of God in 1964. That is, the Church of God was not in the state of a child in 1955; it was not even born at that time. Then, how can they say that the Church of God was like a child in 1955?

Third, Father said, “One more person will appear after me when the time comes.” Then, did the Church appear “after” Father? No, it did not. After establishing the Church of God in 1964, Father was with the Church for 21 years until 1985. Can they still insist that it is the Church that will appear after Father in due time?

Fourth, in the preface of the book, it is written that there was no one who could receive light, so the light finally was shone on Father Ahnsahnghong and one more person. It means that just two persons in the whole world—Father Ahnsahnghong and the “one more person” who was a child at that time—received the light. So, the one more person must be the Savior who can lead all the souls in darkness to the light just as Father Ahnsahnghong did. Therefore, their insistence is wrong.

- From the preface of the book, “Unsealing the Seven Thunders” - “I neither speak these words of my own accord, nor did I learn them from others, but it was only our Lord Jesus Christ who shone the light on me. When He gave the light to me, the world was in the dark of night. He shone His light throughout the four corners of the world, but there was no one to receive the light, so finally it was shone on me. And there is one more person. She is still a child. She is to appear after me. When the time comes, she will appear.”

4. Father Ahnsahnghong’s sermons testifying about Heavenly Mother

We can find clear evidence not only from photos but also from Father’s sermons. In His sermon titled “Walking With God” that He began with the words, “I have set you an example (Jn 13:13-15),” Father wrote as follows: “Elisha followed Elijah, Joshua followed Moses, Peter followed Jesus, and I follow Mother.” By this, Father taught us that we, too, must follow Mother.

Therefore, we are to believe in and follow Heavenly Mother whom Father Ahnsahnghong Himself testified as the Bride.

5. Timeline

6. Our attitude toward the testimonies that Father Ahnsahnghong left

Some people even ask our members if they have heard Father’s words directly or seen His words with their own eyes.

If you are asked this question, it is good to ask them back if they have ever heard a single word of Jesus directly from Him and saw His work that He did 2,000 years ago. Is there any Christian in this age who has directly heard the words of Jesus that He said 2,000 years ago? No.
They just believe the testimonies of Jesus’ disciples who were with Him. It is the same in the age of the Holy Spirit.

Countermeasures for NCPCOG’s false insistences

Click the posts to read countermeasures about their false insistences.

Present Status and Identity of NCPCOG

False insistence 2: Three chapters from the book “The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life” were taken out: “Restoration of Jerusalem and the prophecy of the 40 years,” “Bring the truth into light through church history books,” and “I will send Elijah.”

False insistence 3: The word “Elohim” was not used when Father was in this world. The general pastor of the Church of God made it.

False insistence 4: Father Ahnsahnghong is Christ who came a second time. However, His name was not given to us as the Savior’s name, so we should pray in the name of Jesus even now. (The NCPCOG’s first church in Busan did not acknowledge Father as Christ who came a second time, but regarded Him as just a prophet. However, now they claim to acknowledge Father as Christ who came a second time, in their replies on the Internet.)

댓글 2개:

  1. Christ Ahnsahnghong who is God the Father, directly proved the existence of Heavenly Mother and testified to us who She is.
    Do we need more proof? Can there be more certain evidence than God's direct words?
    I don't think so.

  2. What is the purpose of NCPCOG? Why do they continue to make false insistence about WMSCOG? For God? For salvation of Christians? No! They just wanna to pull down WMSCOG. But It is impossibe!
    "Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.
    39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God." Acts 5:38
